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1. Background:

Free flow of information is one of the prerequisites for people's empowerment. By ensuring the flow of information, especially among the backward people, it is possible to bring about a positive change in the meaning of their lives. Involvement of local government bodies is essential to ensure people's empowerment by providing information services to the wider population at the grassroots level. To this end, the local government department has taken initiative to set up 'Union Information Service Center (UISC)' at the union level in phases.

 UISC is a state-of-the-art information center (telecentre) - aimed at ensuring information services at the doorsteps of grassroots people. Notable benefits at UISC include - Internet connection for communication at home and abroad in a very short time and at low cost; Connecting with the information superhighway to browse hundreds of thousands of web sites around the world to exchange knowledge and science; Vivo, audio, animation and text in offline database
 Information and services on agriculture, health, education, law and human rights, employment, markets, various government forms, etc. in the format; There will also be low cost computer skills training and various computer related commercial services such as low cost composing, printing, photocopying, photocopying, scanning etc. services.
2. Relevance:
Building a 'digital' Bangladesh is one of the major electoral commitments of the present government. In order to implement this commitment, it is imperative to ensure free flow of information at the grassroots level, which can be done through the establishment of UISC. Moreover, UISC activities are able to play a significant role in achieving the goals of the government's Right to Information Act 2006. Meanwhile the Government World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) Plan of Action- 2003 -
As one of its signatories, it is committed to delivering information technology services to the people. Emphasis has also been placed on ensuring free flow of information in achieving the goals of the government's poverty alleviation program. Therefore, by 2020, every Union Parishad of the country will be able to play a pivotal role in developing knowledge as a focal point for knowledge development and all kinds of development activities in the area.
3. Institutional Involvement:
Although UISC is a Union based information service center, there is involvement of various organizations at local and national level for its smooth implementation. Institutional involvement is mentioned below-

3.1 Introduction of Union Parishad:
Union Parishad is the main entrepreneur of UISC. The Union Council will ensure overall oversight, management and accountability of UISC activities. However, the specific responsibilities of the Union Parishad are-
- Allocate suitable rooms for setting up centers;
- Purchase and supply necessary materials outside the entrepreneur's portion;
- Purchase and supply of furniture required for setting up the center;
- Provide electricity connection, water connection and other necessary institutional facilities;
- Ensure necessary security;
- To provide all possible assistance in the implementation of the activities of the UISC Steering Committee;
- Contribute to the development of UISC by providing financial and infrastructural support from local and national level;
- Monitoring and evaluating the work of UISC;
- Preparation of fortnightly report.
3.2 Role of Upazila Administration (Focal Point):
- Finalize Union Council elections for UISC;
- Assist in providing / obtaining the necessary administrative, technical and financial support to make UISC a financially self-sufficient institution;
- To play a coordinating role in facilitating the involvement of UISC with other local government and non-government organizations;
- Procurement of computers, printers, laptops and multimedia projectors in all unions;
- Creating clear ideas about e-services and e-governance in the minds of public representatives and the public;
- Monitoring and evaluating the work of UISC;
- Hold a progress review meeting at least once a month.
        - Visit these centers on a fortnightly basis.
        - To send the monthly report in the prescribed form to the district focal point.
3.3 Role of District Administration (Focal Point):
- To monitor the activities of Union and Upazila focal points in the implementation of UISC program.
- To provide overall support to Upazila Focal Point in Union Parishad elections for UISC;

- Assist in providing / obtaining the necessary administrative, technical and financial support to make UISC a financially self-sufficient institution;

- To play the role of District Coordinator in facilitating the involvement of UISC with other local government and non-government organizations;

- Creating clear ideas about e-services and e-governance in the minds of public representatives and the public;

- Implement field level training;

- Monitoring and evaluating the work of UISC;

- Hold a progress review meeting at least once a month.

        - During field visits, the ASL center should be visited on priority basis.

        - To send the monthly report in the prescribed form to the Central Focal Point and the Office of the Prime Minister.

3.4 Role of Local Government Department / NILG:

- Policy and legal decisions on the establishment of UISCs at the Union level;

- Issuance of circular at field level for setting up of UISC;

- Implement motivational programs at the national level;

- Involve donor agencies and other relevant national and international organizations to ensure financial and technical support for UISC;

- Provide assistance in establishing inter-ministerial liaison for smooth coordination of work;

- Monitoring and evaluating the work of UISC;

- Preparation of fortnightly report.

3.5 Introduction to Access-to-Information (A2I) Program:

- A2I will create a digital database for UISC and provide it for free and

- Provide technical assistance to Capacity Building for Union Council and Entrepreneur Capacity Building.

3.7 Role of Development Partners and NGOs:

- Provide project-based financial and technical assistance;

- To provide overall support for the implementation of the program through area-based volunteerism and financing;

3.7 Introduction to Technical Support Organization:

- Provide assistance in skill development;

- Provide assistance in the implementation of motivational programs;

- Assist in the selection of local entrepreneurs;

- Provide technical conditional conditions for operation and maintenance.

4. Institutional structure:

4.1 Conditions for Union Parishad Election:

For setting up UISC-

1. Among the notable features of the Union Parishad elections suitable for the 1st phase are-

- New Union Parishad Complex;

- Power connection;

- Unions with computers and printers;

- Hat-bazaar adjacent to or near Union Parishad;

- There is always a gathering of local people in the Union Parishad area;

- Union Council especially enterprising chairman;

- Interest of local unemployed youth to run UISC etc.

2. In the 2nd stage-

- There is no new Union Parishad complex but the old building is usable;

- Has electricity connection;

- Even without computer and printer can be purchased from LGSP and revenue fund;

- Union Council especially enterprising chairman;

- Interest of local unemployed youth to run UISC etc.

3. In the 3rd stage-

- Initiatives are being taken to install solar panels in unions where there is no electricity connection;

- Even without computer and printer can be purchased from LGSP and revenue fund;

- Union Council especially enterprising chairman;

4.2 UISC Management:
There will be an 8-9 member 'UISC Steering Committee' to manage the UISC. The term of this committee will be two years. The UISC Steering Committee will be formed by direct vote of the members of the UISC General Committee. However, the Union Council for a maximum of one year in the first year before a full committee is elected
 The members will form an ad-hoc committee consisting of honest, enterprising and skilled people from the area. At least one-third of the total members of the committee shall be women; People of different professions will be represented in the committee. The Secretary of the Union Parishad shall provide necessary institutional and other assistance in carrying out the duties of the Committee.

The composition of the UISC General Committee will be as follows:

1) elected representatives of the Union Parishad (ex officio);

2) all government officials / employees working at the union level (ex officio);

3) Heads of all public and private educational institutions of the Union Parishad (ex officio);

4) Heads of government approved professional and social organizations (ex officio);

5) At least 06 (six) persons per ward from among the people who are enthusiastic about the management of UISC and acceptable in the area will be included as general members of the committee as representatives of local people. Ward members, heads of local ward educational institutions and heads of religious institutions (mosques, temples, churches, pagodas, etc.) will nominate ward representatives subject to discussion.

The composition of the UISC Executive Committee will be as follows-

1) President- Chairman of Union Parishad (ex officio)

2) Vice-President - elected by a vote of the general members

3) General Secretary- Elected by the votes of the general members

4) Finance Executor- Elected by the votes of the general members

5) Social Motivation and Publicity Secretary- Elected by general members

6) Office Secretary- Elected by general members

7) Executive members (three members) - elected by general members

4.3 Responsibilities of the Management Committee:

The UISC Steering Committee will be responsible for the overall management of the UISC. The specific responsibilities of this committee are-

- Selection of local entrepreneurs;

- Procurement and procurement of necessary materials for UISC;

- Provide necessary administrative and other assistance to the entrepreneur in the installation and maintenance of UISC materials;

Provide overall assistance in implementation;

- Provide overall support to the entrepreneur to complete the UISC income and expenditure accounting and reporting system properly;

- Hold at least one meeting per month to review the activities of UISC;

- Organizing a biennial general meeting and presenting and approving the full report of UISC's income and expenditure in the general meeting.

4.4 Local Entrepreneurs:
Entrepreneurs need to be selected from among the educated youth in the area who have minimal idea of computer usage. However, priority should be given to women and unemployed youth. The UISC Steering Committee will select the entrepreneurs in the light of specific policies. Responsible for managing UISC
 Entrepreneurs will not be employees of the Union Parishad. They will pay a portion of the total cost of setting up UISC. In return they set up UISC for the next three years
 Will receive the income themselves. After three years, the Union Parishad will determine the revenue and expenditure distribution policy keeping in view the mutual interests of the entrepreneurs and the Union Parishad.

4.5 Conditions for selection of local entrepreneurs:

- Local Entrepreneur (educated unemployed youth) - who has the ability and interest to invest 20,000 - 50,000 or more;

- who is enterprising, industrious and organizer;

- Interest and skill in conducting necessary motivational programs to make the people of the area interested in receiving information services;

- Those who are living permanently in the area;

- Not accused of immorality or anti-discipline;

- Who has a basic idea or interest in computer management and information technology;

- Who is interested in working with information services for the local people with the help of the Union Parishad.

4.6 Responsibilities and duties of local entrepreneurs

- To keep the UISC open to the public at certain times of the day subject to the approval of the UISC Steering Committee;

- Providing information services to the public;

- Installation and maintenance of UISC materials;

- Implementing various motivational programs to create widespread interest in information services among the people of the area;

- Proper completion of UISC income and expenditure accounting and reporting;

- Provide necessary information as per the requirements of the committee at the monthly / biennial or other meetings of the UISC Steering Committee.

5. Infrastructure:

The UISC will be set up in a suitable room of the Union Parishad. The Union Parishad will provide the necessary security and overall administrative support for the operation of the center.

. Materials:
At a UISC aimed at ensuring improved information services for the public in the area
 Multiple computers and related equipment will be required, which can be installed in phases. However, a computer with a minimal stabilizer, a black and white printer, a color printer, a modem for on-line connection, a scanner, a UISC with a digital camera
 Activities can be started early. At the initial stage, a total of Rs. 100,000 (one lakh) may be required for this work. However, for full UISC management, the following materials are required:

2 computers with stabilizer

· 1 laser printer

· 1 color printer

· 1 modem

· 1 scanner machine

· 1 digital camera

· 1 webcam

1 multimedia projector with large screen

· 1 generator

Depending on the local demand, some UISCs may have more or less equipment.

. Skill Development Activities:

Necessary training will be provided to the entrepreneurs managing UISC. These training programs will be conducted centrally and locally (when applicable). Besides, Orientation Workshops will be organized from time to time to give a comprehensive idea about the program to the Union Parishad Chairman, Upazila Nirbahi Officer, District Focal Point and members of various committees involved in the implementation of this program.

. Motivation activities:

Various motivational programs will be undertaken to motivate the general public to avail information services from UISC. This program will be implemented at local and national level. Notable programs at the national level will include TV and radio programs, newspaper reports and features, seminars,

Workshop etc. At the local level, mainly through joint ventures of Entrepreneurs and Union Parishads, personal communication, meetings, rallies, miking, distribution of hats, distribution of leaflets, posters, stickers, organization of various competitions at school-college level etc. Upazila and district focal points will play an active role in this.

List of information services at UISC

The UISC database will have information services in two ways - offline and online. This database contains information and services in four formats: animation, video, audio and text.

·       Information via Internet (Online): UISC will have internet connection through which any member of the Union will be able to communicate with the rest of the world. Domestic and foreign variety
 It is possible to find any information as required from the web site.

Offline database: UISC will have a huge database outside the Internet. This (offline) database will contain various information services based on livelihood; Such as - agriculture, health, education, law and human rights, employment, markets, various government forms, etc.

Commercial Services (1): Commercial services are available at affordable prices at UISC; Such as - sending emails, browsing the internet, composing computers, printing, photocopying (coloring), scanning, renting multimedia projectors, etc.

· Commercial Services (2): UISC will have affordable computer training and various skill enhancement training. Skill enhancement training will be simple, affordable and varied using local technology
 On income-generating initiatives; Such as - making various food items, making various industrial materials (such as - candles), tailoring, repair of electrical materials, production of organic fertilizers etc.

· Counseling Services: The Union Council will ensure that regular counseling services are available from UISC to government officials (such as agriculture, health, etc.). The consultation service will include soil testing,

Advice on fertilizers, pesticides, fish farming, health, land registration, legislation etc. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on a union basis will also provide similar counseling services.


The value of information and services
UISC will provide all the information in the offline database free of cost. However, no offline information
 And if you want to print the service in text form, you have to pay the price fixed by UISC. All online information and services have to be collected by paying the price. All commercial services
 Must be collected by paying the price fixed by UISC. However, counseling services for public and private officials will be available free of cost.

In addition, UISC entrepreneurs have the right to receive courtesy from everyone who comes to UISC for services.